What Does the Priest Say to Oedipus

What does the priest say to Oedipus?

What the does the priest say to Oedipus? The priest tells Oedipus about the plague that ravages Thebes. He begs Oedipus to resolve the crisis reminding him he solved the riddle of the Sphinx before. Finally the priest tells Oedipus that it is in his own self-interest to rid the city of the plague.

What does the priest want Oedipus to do?

What does the priest want Oedipus to do? Save them/fix it because he believes that Oedipus has good luck because he was able to solve the riddle from the Sphinx.

How does Oedipus refer to himself and how does the priest address Oedipus?

How does Oedipus refer to himself and how is he referred to by others? Oedipus refers to himself as: "I, Oedipus, whose fame all men acknowledge" (lines 7–8) "I would be a hard-hearted man indeed" (line 14)

Why does the priest say to go to Oedipus and pray for aid?

what does the priest say to oedipus? the priest tells oedipus that he needs to help the people of the kingdom from their sickness/plague.

What is the truth of Oedipus birth?

While his actual birth might not be so remarkable, the circumstances surrounding it are. The oracle tells Oedipus' father Laius, the King of Thebes, that his son will kill him. When Oedipus is born, Laius ties his hands and feet and leaves him on a mountainside to die.

Why is Teiresias reluctant to tell Oedipus his prophecy?

Answer: because he knows Oedipus is the cause for all the trouble in Thebes. Explanation: Tiresias knows the answers to all of Oedipus questions, but he refuses to speak them because he also knows that it is Oedipus himself who has caused the plague by unknowingly murdering his father and marrying his own mother.

Who do the Thebans pray to?

(x) To which three gods does the Chorus pray for help? Ans. The Chorus prays to the gods Appollo, Athena, and Artemis for help.

What is Oedipus tragic flaw?

What is Oedipus' tragic flaw, or hamartia? It is hubris or pride. Upon reaching adulthood and hearing the prophecy that he will murder his father and take his mother as his own wife, he attempts to flee the fate the gods have laid out before him by leaving Corinth.

Why is Teiresias so hesitant to speak the truth?

Expert Answers In other words, he says that it is actually a curse to possess wisdom when that wisdom can do no good in the world. Teiresias says that, had he remembered why Oedipus might want him to come, he would not have done so.

Why does Oedipus get so angry at first?

Why does Oedipus first grow angry with Tiresias? He calls him a traitor to the city. He thinks Creon and Tiresias are plotting to get rid of him.

Why did Jocasta kill herself?

In Oedipus the King, Jocasta kills herself because she is ashamed for having become intimate with her son, Oedipus.

What God do the Thebans consider to be their healer?

The chorus asks Apollo what he has said about the plague in Thebes. Other notes: The name "Delian Healer" refers to Apollo; he is known for causing and healing plagues. In antistrophe 1, to which god and goddesses does the chorus appeal for rest from their suffering?

What three things does the chorus ask the gods to do?

What does the Chorus want the gods to do for them? They want the gods to destroy their enemy and restore Thebes. What promise does Oedipus make to anyone who comes forward with information about Laios's murder? No further trouble will happen and people can leave the land safely.

What Does the Priest Say to Oedipus

Source: https://answerstoall.com/technology/what-does-the-priest-say-to-oedipus/

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